MABTEC is Only a Rating QA Provider. Even though we have Raters on staff, we do not perform the same services as a Certified Rater and do not compete with Raters who have chosen MABTEC as their Provider.
MABTEC certifies new "Rater Candidates" and existing Raters who are looking for a new Provider. Why choose MABTEC as your Provider? Some simple reasons:
As an Accredited HERS Training Provider, our instructors have the knowledge and experience to perform the training related to HERS certifications, professional development courses and other training sanctioned by RESNET.
MABTEC is Accredited by RESNET as a Rating QA Provider.
Accreditation #: 1998-051
Rating QA Providers have the responsibilities of:
is Accredited by RESNET as a HERS Training Provider
Accreditation #: 2003-023
Our Trainers are Certified for all HERS related training:
MABTEC is Accredited in the states and territories listed below. Raters certified by us are certified to perform RESNET related work in these states and territories.